The West Side Market in Cleveland, Ohio, Stunning architecture, amazing food products.
Things are winding down. Today we travel from Cleveland to Bradford Pa., our first stop, if you remember, when we started this whirlwind trip 23 days ago. Only 156 miles today. A stroll in the park! Since we have time, but not a lot (we REALLY want to enjoy the Lodge at Glendorn) we decide to hit one destination in Cleveland, the West Side Market. It is quite a stop! Here is a little bit to entice you. If you go to Cleveland, go here. Especially if you are hungry!!
Cleveland looks like a kick! Cool restaurants, murals on buildings EVERYWHERE, a Great Lake, a river, and the stadium for the Cleveland Indians (and one for the Browns) right in the middle of town! The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame! Wish we had more time - a recurring theme of this journey. Our trip to Pennsylvania requires travel along Lake Erie almost all the way. We pray for no lake effect snow. We get onto 90 east and the snow starts around Ashtabula. It is slow going. After an hour or two, we enter PA, though we will weave in and out of NY a bit. We pick up I-86 in Erie, and the snow slowly subsides, though the roads are not great. We pass the Peek ‘n Peak Ski Area near the New York State border. The snow picks back up again, and the driving is slow. We are in no rush. We pass over the Lucille Ball - Desi Arnez Memorial Bridge in 20 minutes or so of near white-out conditions. Then things finally clear up for good! So many roadmarks until our final destination! Seneca Nation Territory. Allagheny State Park. Seneca Resort and Casino (it does not look fabulous). The roads and vision now greatly improve, and the sun is almost breaking through. Finally we are in Pennsylvania again. The next stop is our first stop: The Lodge at Glendorn. Cabin, fireplaces, dinner and relaxation.
The Lodge is all that we remembered, and we are in the same cabin we started this adventure in! It's a bit surreal. So much has happened and this is our last night. Jack knows where he is, too! We decide to chill in the cabin and do dinner in the main house later. It is a fitting end to an epic trip!
The next day, we wake up, grab a coffee and go for a walk around the property. So much to do here! And unlike our first visit, we are not the only guests. There is trap and skeet-shooting, skating, CURLING, snow-shoeing and cross-country skiing, plus the spa. I know I am forgetting stuff. Go to their web site.
Time to get in the car and head home. I will spare you the tale, go to day one and read it backwards. We got home safe and sound. My pillow was amazing. What a trip!! Would I do it again? In a word, yes. Maybe just next year. We started with a new car and it now has 7,000 miles on it. I have more travel plans coming soon, so please continue to follow Ann! 
We are 2 hours from home here. The blink of an eye. If you have a chance, drive across this beautiful country. But first, have a plan!