Denver, CO to Omaha, NE
Sunset somewhere between Denver, Co. and Omaha, NE.
It is morning in Denver, CO. and it is cold. But Jack the dog is hungry and needs a walk, and it is my turn. Again. I feed the happy puppy, wait 20 minutes to make sure he has a sense of urgency and off we go to the grassy knoll as directed by the hotel staff. We head a few blocks, and he is a little put-off by city traffic and onlookers. I finally fulfill my/his mission, scoop it up, almost yak, dispose of it properly and then decide to take a walk around the block. Or two.
We are in the Larimer Square area of Denver, which is a historic district for reasons I am not aware of. We have been here before, just without the dog. It is a trendy area filled with boutique shops and (mostly) independent restaurants. It is gussied up for the holidays. There are a few places familiar to me from our last visit 5 years ago - Euclid Hall Bar and Kitchen, serving local brews and homemade/locally sources charcuterie. It is 8:30am, so I just take a picture, but when we went it was awesome.
Euclid Hall Bar and Kitchen in Laramie Square, Denver, CO. Have a beer and some charcuterie next time you are in town.
We stroll the square and see Ted's Montana Grill, owned by Ted Turner. A place to sell bison specialites off his ranch. We never went here, but I would.
Everywhere is decked out in greenery, the streets are lit up and I believe I heard live music coming from this area last night. Jack and I are just stretching our legs before we head to our next stop, Omaha, Nebraska.
We head out of Denver and it gets rural right away. There is a sign informing us not to pick up hitchhikers as there is a state penitentiary nearby. Noted. I keep calling Warren Buffet but he is not returning my calls. He must be out of town. Oh well.
5 hours of this. All different, all beautiful. Nebraska, USA.
Nebraska comes soon enough and this is farmland, people. Beautiful farmland. It is sunny, and flat. There is corn and cows. I am ok with that. We pass this colorful bridge and I have no idea what it is. It bills itself as the archway that built America. Wikipedia tells me it is the Great Platte River Road Archway Monument and it is pretty touristy with no real historical significance. If I am wrong, please educate me. It could be cool as all get-out, but if you are paying attention, we stop for very little.
Heretofore unverified tourist destination, the Great Platte River Road Archway Monument near Kearney, Nebraska.
There is more corn, and more cows. The sun begins to set and it is beautiful. We make our way, after 8 hours or so, to the Element Hotel in downtown Omaha. It is depressing. Bob digs in. He is not staying here. My first real hotel "miss". So I suggest we head to dinner to discuss and ask for advice. And consult Bring Fido to find a dog-friendly hotel.
As much as I missed the mark on the hotel, I clearly hit it with our dinner find, the Boiler Room Restuarant in Omaha. We decided that since we were in Omaha, we needed to eat a steak. And while this place is in no way a traditioal steak house, they did offer a steak. And it was delicious, off the charts! As was the interior. They describe themselves as a rustic-chic loft eatery with a wine cellar serving craft cocktails & inspired New American fare. I would agree. Here are a few photos.
I started with some foie gras with fennel marmalade, pistachio butter, celery leaf and grilled sourdough. If you've been reading along, you know I am not a huge foie gras fan, but I am eating it up this trip!! Bob had a rabbit croquette with potato cream, marinated lentils, calabrian chili and parsley. It, too, was amazing. Their wine list is exemplary and he ordered a bottle of 2011 Chateau Pontet- Canent from Pauillac. He loved it, and it paired well. The host, the server and the sommellier were all amazing. Time to walk the dog and then get on to the next course.
We both chose the Morgan Ranch wagyu sirloin steak with red beet and black pepper purée, spaetzle, brussels sprouts, red wine jus. OMG. I'll leave it at that. Here is a link, this place was amazing!
The good people at the Boiler Room sent us to the Hilton. We booked a large suite in advance which, due to some online special, cost very little money. Because it is the Midwest, not Manhattan (no judgement, I am referring to price!). So we get there and it is huge. And retro. In a good way! Jack is pleased to have lots of room to romp in and there are many chaise lounges/couches for him to choose from! We feed him, we walk him, and then snuggle into the cold Omaha night to face our next leg. Onto Cleveland, OH.
Hilton Hotel, Omaha, NE. Rent this suite and invite 12 of your friends to stay here!