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How to Make: Scandinavian Ice Lanterns

So my lovely friend and fellow Finn, Kelley, posted this for me and I think it is worth sharing. Make an ice lantern. Or 8. Or 40. Someone suggeseted putting holly or red berries in the ice and I find that to be a great idea. And it does not look hard, you just need pails. And water. And greens and berries (optional). And cold weather. Freeze it for 24 hours in a 5 gallon pail, dump it out, there is a natural well, carve it out and put a candle in it. You get it. I assume there is some science here -- volume, temperature, etc. Just try it and let me know. Florida folks are out, sorry. I will be in a car, driving to Montana, so maybe not this year for me? Maybe yes, depends how much time is on my hands once I get there. If you make one, please post a picture, I'd love to see it!! And if I do, I will post mine. Love this!