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Slideshow of My Montana Garden

Our “new” yard is an established garden installed in the 70”s, but it is new to us. Exploring and learning about different plants and shrubs has been fun and educational. Still so much to learn.

Last year we acquired a new "second home" in Montana, and planned to divide our time between here and New Hampshire, in addition to our many travels for Bob's business. Then COVID-19 hit, and our plans to go back to New Hampshire for April and May, affectionately known as "Mud Season" and "Black Fly Season" were jettisoned. We are staying in Montana, and this gives me a chance to see all the established gardens on this property come to fruition. I am very excited about this, because it keeps me occupied and out of trouble. To a degree.

Anyway, I took a walk around the property yesterday morning and captured photos of flowering trees, shrubs and wildflowers. I can identify some, but not all of these, so I just say ENJOY! And if anyone can ID any of these plants, please comment below. More gardening to come, the season is young, be sure to check back in.

Gardening during Covid-19

So much beautiful garden planning took place here some 40 years ago! Flowering trees and shrubs of all kinds, some familiar, some not. A walk through the forest paths reveals wild lupine, arrowroot and others. Looking forward to seeing it all progress through the season.